words :: books :: ideas

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hopes and Dreams

In stories, a girl should be careful about which boy she hates, because she'll probably end up falling in love with him. That's the way it worked for Anne Shirley. Miss Elizabeth Bennet was not too fond of Mr. Darcy at first either.

I occasionally encounter people who imply that God always works in the same manner. A girl seems to think that because she wants to become a missionary in China, God will send her to Chile [which, by the way, is where you should start if you want to dig to China]. She hopes to do one thing, so expects God will have her do something else. It is almost as if God is "out to get her."

Certainly, at times God has us do things we would not at first want. We grow through such opportunities. He can change our hearts and give us new desires.

This is not, however, always the way God works.

Sometimes God fulfills our dreams. He may use us in areas of service for which we have long hoped. God has satisfied a number of my desires of late. From traveling to Texas, to serving with Worldview Academy, to the anticipation of school in England, God is granting my wishes.

In some stories, the girl falls in love with...well, the boy she has always been in love with.

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