words :: books :: ideas

Saturday, December 24, 2005


A few weeks ago, it was my birthday. I'd been waiting in anticipation for some time. But when it finally arrived, disappointment crashed on me.
Let me describe my woes.
Three days before, I'd gone to the doctor's after being sick a week and learned my illness was pneumonia. Because of this, I had to skip my classes. By Sunday, I was mostly recovered, although still coughing.
Second, my best friend and sister resided 2000 miles away at college for the next two weeks. This wasn't too terrible, as I did get to see her over Thanksgiving.
Surprisingly, several members of my family got through the entire day without acknowledging my birthday. I don't care so much about presents, but I at least wanted them to wish me a "Happy birthday, Hannah." I especially wished my mom would say those three words [after being reminded to by A. she did], but she was busy preparing for my party to take place after church.
Lastly, eighty percent of the people I'd invited to the party didn't come. I was really hoping to spend some time with them. Then two of my little brother's friends showed up as we were eating cake. He had as many friends to my party as I did. That's right, two friends at my birthday party and one had to leave early.
Now, my point in telling this is not so much as to make you feel sorry for me, but because I don't want to be guilty of neglecting Jesus on the day we celebrate His birth.
What I wanted most on my birthday was to be recognized as someone of significance. I wanted people to talk to me and spend time with me.
Surely our Great King deserves to have time spent with Him more than I deserve it.
In A Place of Quiet Rest, Nancy Leigh DeMoss writes, "...the objective is to cultivate an intimate relationship between you and God. He longs for such a relationship with you, and He is eager to spend that time with you...have you ever stopped to realize that He wants to see your face and hear your voice?"
The same way that I wanted to spend time with my friends on my birthday, Jesus wants to spend time with His friends. "The God of the universe loves you, and He created you to be His friend." (A Place of Quiet Rest, by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.)

Also, although I do appreciate all of the work that my mom did towards my party, what I most wanted was for her to tell me Happy birthday and that she loved me. Ms. DeMoss states, "It is not about all the things we do for God--it's about being loved by Him, loving Him in return, and walking in intimate union and communion with Him." The only way to walk in that union and communion is by spending time with Him.
Keep Christ in Christmas.

1 comment:

Alex said...

Excellent post, Hannah... God bless you!