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Monday, November 21, 2005

'Amazing Grace At Its Most Amazing'

"When you put your faith in Jesus, God, the judge, hands down the verdict that you are righteous. He transfers the perfect, sinless record of Jesus to you.
This is amazing grace as its most amazing. In the moment that you first believed, your past sin didn't cease to exist. You hadn't done any good work that could somehow make up for your disobedience.
Yet God completely and totally forgave you. He not only wiped the record of your sin away, he credited the righteousness of His Son to you."
-from The Cross Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney

It's so easy to get legalistic. But, in sincerity, there is nothing I can do of myself. I can in no way earn my salvation.
Saturday was our church's annual Ladies Retreat. There were some very good messages shared. One significant reminder was that God doesn't love me any less when I don't spend as much time as I should have reading the Bible and praying.
My status before God doesn't change.
"We're never 'more saved' or 'more loved' by God." writes C. J. Mahaney in The Cross Centered Life "...Jesus' work, not mine, is the basis of my forgiveness and acceptance by God."
I can't add anything.
Jesus already did all that needed to be done.


Matthew Celestine said...

This is a nice blog.

Lindsey said...

Great post! So true. :D I read that book! It was really good. Keep up the awesome work!!!

hanananah said...

Thank you for your encouraging support.